Comment: Doctors are speaking out and appealing for new regulations to halt the devastating biological and health consequences of exposure to pulsing high-frequency electromagnetic radiation - as in mobile cell phones, microwaves, and numerous other sources.
Interdisziplina re Gesellschaft fur Umweltmedizin e. V.
IGUMED, Bergseestr. 57, 79713 Bad Sackingen
Tel. 07761 913490, FAX 913491, e-mail: [email protected]
IGUMED Interdisziplina re Gesellschaft fur Umweltmedizin e.V.
9. Oktober 2002
Out of great concern for the health of our fellow human beings do we - as established physicians of all fields, especially that of environmental medicine - turn to the medical establishment and those in public health and political domains, as well as to the public.
We have observed, in recent years, a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases among our patients, especially:
Moreover, we have observed an ever-increasing occurrence of various disorders, often misdiagnosed in patients as psychosomatic:
Since the living environment and lifestyles of our patients are familiar to us, we can see, especially after carefully-directed inquiry, a clear temporal and spatial correlation between the appearance of disease and exposure to pulsed high -frequency microwave radiation (HFMR), such as:
We can no longer believe this to be purely coincidence, for:
Too often do we observe a marked concentration of particular illnesses in correspondingly HFMR-polluted areas or apartments;
Too often does a long-term disease or affliction improve or disappear in a relatively short time after reduction or elimination of HFMR pollution in the patient's environment;
Too often are our observations confirmed by on-site measurements of HFMR of unusual intensity.
On the basis of our daily experiences, we hold the current mobile communications technology (introduced in 1992 and since then globally extensive) and cordless digital telephones (DECT standard) to be among the fundamental triggers for this fatal development.
One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already-present chemical/physical influences, stress the body's immune system, and can bring the body's still-functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk.
Our therapeutic efforts to restore health are becoming increasingly less effective: the unimpeded and continuous penetration of radiation into living and working areas , particularly bedrooms, an essential place for relaxation, regeneration and healing, causes uninterrupted stress and prevents the patient's thorough recovery.
In the face of this disquieting development, we feel obliged to inform the public of our observations, especially since hearing that the German courts regard any danger from mobile telephone radiation as "purely hypothetical" (see the decisions of the constitutional court in Karlsruhe and the administrative court in Mannheim, Spring 2002).
What we experience in the daily reality of our medical practice is anything but hypothetical! We see the rising number of chronically sick patients also as the result of an irresponsible "safety limits policy", which fails to take the protection of the public from the short- and long-term effects of mobile telephone radiation as its criterium for action. Instead, it submits to the dictates of a technology already long recognized as dangerous. For us, this is the beginning of a very serious development through which the health of many people is being threatened.
We will no longer be made to wait upon further unreal research results - which in our experience are often influenced by the communications industry, while evidential studies go on being ignored. We find it to be of urgent necessity that we act now!
Above all, we are, as doctors, the advocates for our patients. In the interest of all those concerned, whose basic right to life and freedom from bodily harm is currently being put at stake, we appeal to those in the spheres of politics and public health. Please support the following demands with your influence:
New health-friendly communications techniques, given independent risk assessments before their introduction
and, as immediate measures and transitional steps:
Stricter safety limits and major reduction of sender output and HFMR pollution on a justifiable scale, especially in areas of sleep and convalescence
A say on the part of local citizens and communities regarding the placing of antennae (which in a democracy should be taken for granted)
Education of the public, especially of mobile telephone users, regarding the health risks of electromagnetic fields
Ban on mobile telephone use by small children, and restrictions on use by adolescents
Ban on mobile telephone use and digital cordless (DECT) telephones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, events halls, public buildings and vehicles (as with the ban on smoking)
Mobile telephone and HFMR-free zones (as with auto-free areas)
Revision of DECT standards for cordless telephones with the goal of reducing radiation intensity and limiting actual use time, as well as avoiding the biologically critical HFMR pulsation.
Industry-independent research, finally with the inclusion of amply available critical research results and our medical observations.
The So-far Undersigned
Dr. med. Thomas Allgaier, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Heitersheim
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Neural physician, Psychotherapy, Leutkirch
Dr. med. Waltraud Bar, General medicine, Natural healing, Environmental Medicine, Wiesloch
Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann, Genaeral medicine, Homeopathy, Freiburg
Dr. med. H. Bernhardt, Pediatry, Schauenburg
Dr. Karl Braun von Gladiss, General medicine, Holistic medicine, Teufen
Hans Bruggen, Internal medicine, Respiratory medicine, Environmental medicine, Allergenics, Deggendorf
Dr. med. Christa-Johanna Bub-Jachens, General medicine, Natural healing, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Arndt Dohmen, Internal medicine, Bad Sackingen
Barbara Dohmen, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Bad Sackingen
Verena Ehret, Doctor, Kotzting
Dr. med. Joachim Engels, Internal medicine, Homeopathy, Freiburg
Karl-Rainer Fabig, Practical doctor
Dr. med. Gerhilde Gabriel, Doctor, Munchen
Dr. med. Karl Geck, Psychotherapy, Murg
Dr. med. Jan Gerhard, Pediatrics, Child/adolescent psychiatry, Ahrensburg
Dr. med. Peter Germann, Doctor, Environmental medicine, Homeopathy, Worms
Dr. med. Gertrud Grunenthal, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Bann
Dr. med. Michael Gulich, Doctor, Schopfheim
Julia Gunter, Psychotherapy, Korbach
Dr. med. Wolfgang Haas, Internal medicine, Dreieich
Dr. med. Karl Haberstig, General medicine, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Inner-Urberg
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Specialist in stress-, sleep-, chrono- und space travel medicine, Berlin
Dr. med. Bettina Hovels, General medicine, Lorrach
Walter Hofmann, Psychotherapy, Singen
Dr. med. Rolf Janzen, Pediatrics, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Peter Jaenecke , Dentist, Ulm
Michaela Kammerer, Doctor, Murg
Dr. med. Michael Lefknecht, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Duisburg
Dr. med. Volker zur Linden, Internal medicine, Bajamar
Dr. med. Dagmar Marten, Doctor, Ochsenfurt
Dr. med. Rudolf Mraz, Psychotherapy, Natural healing, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Otto Pusch, Nuclear medicine, Bad Wildungen
Dr. med. Josef Rabenbauer, Psychotherapy, Freiburg
Elisabeth Radloff-Geck, Doctor, Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Murg
Dr. med. Anton Radlspeck, Practical doctor, Natural healing, Aholming
Barbara Rautenberg, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Kotzting
Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Reimus, Dentist, Oldenburg
Dr. med. Ursula Reinhardt, General medicine, Bruchkobel
Dr. med. Dietrich Reinhardt, Internal medicine, Bruchkobel
Dr. med. Andreas Roche, General medicine, Kaiserslautern
Dr. med. Bernd Salfner, Pediatrics, Allergenics, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Claus Scheingraber, Dentist, Munchen
Dr. med. Bernd Maria Schlamann, Dentist, Non-medical practitioner, Ahaus-Wessum
Dr. med. Hildegard Schuster, Psychotherapy, Lorrach
Norbert Walter, General medicine, Natural healing, Bad Sa ckingen
Dr. med. Rosemarie Wedig, Doctor, Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Dusseldorf
Dr. med. Gunter Theiss, General medicine, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. med. Otmar Wassermann, Toxicology, Schonkirchen
Prof. Dr. med. H.-J. Wilhelm, Ear, nose and throat doctor, Phoniater, Frankfurt
Dr. med. Barbara Wurschnitzer-Hunig, Dermatology, Allergenics, Environmental medicine, Kempten
Dr. med. Ingo Frithjof Zurn, General medicine, Phlebology, Natural healing, Environmental medicine, Nordrach
List of supporters for the FREIBURGER APPEAL:
Dr. med. Wolfgang Baur, General medicine, Psychotherapy, Environmental medicine, Vienenburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Physicist, Munchen
Volker Hartenstein, Member of Parliament (Bavaria), Ochsenfurt
Maria und Bruno Hennek, Self-help group for chemical- and wood preservative-damaged, Wurzburg
Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Medicinal physicist, Stokelsdorf
Wolfgang Maes, Baubiology and Environmental analysis, Neu
Helmut Merkel, 1st Chairman of Biobiology Organization, Bonn
Peter Neuhold, Non-medicinal practitioner, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Scientific leader of Institute for Baubiology and Ecology, Neubeuern
Dr. Birgit Stocker, Chairwoman of Self-Help Organization for Electrosensitives, Munchen
Prof. Dr. Alfred G. Swierk, Mainz
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysics, Biopsychology, Biomedicine, Saarbrucken