Association of consumers for freedom of choice
From the statutes of La Leva - the objectives of the association
Our philosophy
Another movement for consumer protection: are there not too many already?
Sepp Hasslberger - President
His experience and activism in freedom matters especially in health makes him able to see before others the steps of the game. Thanks to his knowledge of several languages and of different tactics, he is able to keep all the international contacts of our association.
Josef Hasslberger's personal site
Networking for Health Freedom World Wide
Susanna Agostinelli - vicepresident
Also Susanna has been with us since the beginning. She has always been very active and works with people that have chosen the natural way of living.
She informs and contacts new "levers" and is very knowledgeable in matters of natural health.
Amanda Adams - secretary and webmaster
Amanda, our very young webmaster, she put up this wonderful website and maintains it in a very professional way.
As our secretary she takes care of all the paper work with attention and responsibility, but especially with a lot of patience (!). A real "natural talent".
If you have any advice for this site or want any information on our association write to: amanda[AT]
Ivan Ingrilli' - director
Ivan: 28 years old on paper but many more as a person. He is one of the founders of La Leva and has always been our internet activist. He surfs online doing research and promoting our association and keeps all of our contacts with other Italian groups that work in our same direction. He has always been a stable presence in La Leva.
(No picture avalable)Paolo Ruzza - director
Paolo lives and works in the countryside, he is a down-to-earth man. He started his career as an activist for health and natural medicine before we made this association.
His life-style is as natural as possible and he participated in many conferences on alternative medicine with Vitale Onorato (our former president)
Paolo, vive e lavora nella sua adorata campagna, è un uomo della "vecchia guardia". Ha cominciato la sua carriera da attivista per la salute e la medicina naturale ancora prima che La Leva fosse formalmente costituita. Severissimo seguitore di una vita il più naturale possibile, ha partecipato con Vitale a moltissime conferenze sulle medicine alternative.
Daniele di Gregorio - director
Daniele is our CyberMan! He works and lives in the internet. He offers web develpoment services.
Daniele is a researcher and just like us he is not taken in by the apparencies offered by the official media. He has donated the space for our website... Thank you Daniele! :-)
Luigi Canali de Rossi - director
Luigi - Giggi for his friends - is also a CyberMan! A professional who researches and teaches Web Communications. He scouts out the newest and latest internet based technologies that connect people and allow us to broadcast our views.
You will find him, or
He is also the initiator primary sponsor of the Communication Agents Initiative.
Also Giggi is a researcher on how to extend life with natural products to live better and, if possible, longer.